Build Your Own Smoothie!

Hey smoothie lovas! (I am just making an assumption here… :) ) Smoothies rock! Smoothies are easy, refreshing, great for an on the go meal/snack, and easy to load up with the good healthy foods.

Although, it’s common to always make the same type of smoothie, or worse… not even know where to begin to make a tasty and healthy smoothie. Fear no more, here’s a simple table to get your imagination going to building your dream smoothie.

To build a balanced smoothie it’s important to aim for a carbohydrate, protein, and a fat. I love to sneak in a serving of vegetables too, because you can’t taste it, and the more veggies, the merrier!

The role of each macronutrient is important to ensure the smoothie will keep you full and energized.


Usually the carb form is fruit. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy. Plus, if it is in the form of fruit, it will also provide added micronutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, iron, and zinc.


Protein powders, collagen, nuts, seeds, and even beans are great sources of protein in your smoothie. Protein will create satiety and also provide the nourishment needed to maintain or build muscle mass.


Nuts, seeds, coconut milk, or avocado are great fat sources in a smoothie. Fat will add creaminess to the smoothie, but more importantly fat will moderate your blood sugar from spiking from the carbohydrate source plus, it will create satiety. Fat is also necessary for supporting healthy hormone function.

What’s the best time to enjoy a smoothie?

It’s up to you! Smoothies are an excellent on the go meal or snack. If you are always short on time in the morning and typically skip breakfast, I’d recommend making a healthy smoothie in the morning and taking it on the go with you. Smoothies are also perfect pre-workout snacks or post-workout snacks because the carbs and protein sources are great for supporting a training session.

Orange creamsicle smoothie.png
Build your own smoothie table.png

To build: Choose an item from each column and toss it into your blender, blend until smooth. Add more liquid as necessary to adjust the thickness.

Get wild!


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